Friday, October 24, 2008

txt messaging and culture

I really appreciate the recent work on Christians in culture. I believe that our call as Christians should involve interpreting our culture as well as interpreting scripture. That is the good work of each of us as missionaries. Too often we either throw darts at culture or simply let it wash over us instead of asking how we can be involved in the redemption of culture.

On Andy Crouch's blog, he takes a "cultural artifact" and asks 5 questions to help us in the process. I think this is a great exercise to get us thinking about our culture. For example he took the cultural artifact of text messaging here. Here are the questions that he asks about each cultural artifact.

1. What does text messaging assume about the way the world is?
2. What does text messaging assume about the way the world should be?
3. What does text messaging make possible?
4. What does text messaging make impossible (or at least a lot more difficult)?
5. What new culture is created in response?

It is interesting to see people's responses. Other examples: the weather channel, presidential debates and backpacks.

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