Friday, November 02, 2007

Consuming me some church

This week Shaun Groves wrote a post about if he should even keep going to church. I realize that it is tongue and cheek, but I think his premise in the post is the wrong approach. His entire post is talking about things that he should be able to get from church and then how he can get those things better in his cul de sac.

We have a long way to go to change our view of church away from the consumer (meet my needs) to the gathering of missionaries living in community, the body of servants (utilizing spiritual gifts), etc. And also we have some difficult ground to break to teach ourselves that church is not a building, but rather a people who are part of a movement for Jesus. Now to be fair, he does come around with somewhat of a counterpost explaining that he is not going to stop going to church.

Don't stop going to church because we need you, your gifts, your encouragement, your mercy, your teaching, your exhortation, etc. That is why you go to church.

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