Wednesday, September 26, 2007

figured out

A few weeks ago Mandy and I are starting to teach a class at church on marriage. Yikes! I think there is this temptation to think that we have to have it all "figured out" before we can talk about marriage. We obviously don't have all the answers and are still growing and learning everyday about our own marriage. I liked Wendell Berry's thoughts from Life is a Miracle in dealing with the tension of experience and forumulaic ways of "figuring it out."

“To experience it is not to “figure it out” or even understand it, but to suffer it and rejoice in it as it is. In suffering it and rejoicing in it as it is, we know that we do not and cannot understand it completely.”

I like his approach. I would rather experience life, marriage, the spiritual life, parenthood, etc even with the suffering and the rejoicing rather than publishing a book with the title "How to have it all figured out by 30."


Colleen said...

It's nice to know that you don't have it figured all out. I think its such a common feeling to feel like you should have your life together but in reality no one does. Life is one big adventure and I'm so thankful that we have the Holy Spirit as our guide.

Cool new layout too!

Jeff Fritsche said...

Yeah totally. It has been fun teaching this class with the Bates who have been married 33 years and to hear that they don't have it all figured out either. Although they are pretty wise. Glad you like the new look.