Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Mark Driscoll just distributed a free online book on scriptural insights on fatherhood. It is called Pastor Dad. Below is a quote from the preface.
"This book is a simple attempt to help God’s men be a “poppa daddy,” as my kids call me. Some day when my children are older, I hope to, by God’s grace, write a more thorough book on fatherhood, since I expect to learn from my mistakes and gather more wisdom on fathering in the ensuing years. Until then, I hope this book can be of some service to the men to whom God has entrusted children, for God’s glory, the children’s good, mom’s gratefulness, and dad’s gladness."

Friday, June 19, 2009

Leadership and Identity

I recently reread one of my favorite books on leadership called Tale of Three Kings by Gene Edwards. It is written as a story exposing convicting leadership principles from King Saul, David and Absalom. It is great to be reminded of the upside down paradigm of leadership and identity in the Kingdom of God.

“The clearest memory I have of my King, when we lived in the caves, is that his was a life of submission. Yes David showed me submission, not authority. He taught me not the quick cure of rules and laws, but the art of patience. That is what changed my life. Legalism is nothing but a leaders’ way of avoiding suffering... Men who speak endlessly on authority only prove they have none. And kings who make speeches about submission only betray twin fears in their hearts: they are not certain they are really true leaders, sent of God. And they live in mortal fear of a rebellion... David taught me losing, not winning. Giving, not taking. He showed me that the leader, not the follower, is inconvenienced... Authority from God is not afraid of challengers, makes no defense, and cares not one whit if it must be dethroned.”